NaPoWriMo Prompt #17 - Write a poem that includes these words: bamboozled, bludlust, bibliography. Have the title include on of these words: contradiction, constellation, cranberry

A simple small red berry
With such a lovely taste
Bamboozled me when freeze dried
It seems like such a waste
I search across the internet
Looking for an explanation?
Bibliography on wiki
Gave no explanation
It continues to raise my hackles
Berries treated to a bloodlust
Yet knowing what the reason
Is no longer such a must
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© Lisa N ~ 4/17/2011
© Lisa N ~ 4/17/2011
This is really, really good Lisa! You have come up with some amazing new exercises and I like them. Keep writing Lisa, stay inspired and be creative. You can always make a great situation out of a bad one if you allow the experience to lift you to newer heights. No bad experiences here but I am trying to say, let the muse fly. Great job, Lisa.
ReplyDeleteThis is a fun poem. It is amazing how you take something like a cranberry and turn it into something intriguing.