Sunday, May 8, 2011

May Facts (For Sunday Scribblings)

Fifth Month
Mother’s Day
31 Days
Emerald Birthstone
Lily of the Valley
Spring in Northern Hemisphere
Autumn in Southern Hemisphere
Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes
No other month begins on the same day


  1. Oh, to be in Wessex, now that May is there - Maypoles; Morris Dancing; Hern the Hunter. Instead I'm in Finland, so it is a plain old 'worker's holiday, and marches by the communists and extreme left wing - yeach!!

  2. Your interesting fact is that no other month starts on the same weekday as May. I have never worked that out before and I think it also applies in leap years! Now what can we do with that information?

  3. We had thunderstorms and torrential rain over in the UK today - seems like April is a little late! jae

  4. How fitting that it should have its own day for beginning. May is such a wonderful favorite, I think.

  5. All of those things ring May to me (except I am unfamiliar with Preakness Stakes? you'll have to forgive this ice-dwelling Canadian!)
